Throughout 2012, the District 4 Equity Steering Committee (led by the African American Council of Elders ~ Wichita Sedgwick County) endeavored to identify the most critical issues for our District, so that we might assist the community in developing a comprehensive and meaningful response in those areas most impacted. The issues, developed through quarterly community focus groups at “Village Round Tables” came up with the following equity areas to address.
Economic Development
Health and Wellness
Family Strengthening
It was agreed upon by the community that one of the most critical issues was the lack of a comprehensive listing of community-based resources to address many of these issues. Based on this, our equity project consists of developing a community “web portal” that will allow anyone within the community to access information and resources to assist in addressing issues related to the aforementioned areas.
Our stated short-term outcome for this project is: Increased community awareness of issues, resources and successful interventions, as evidenced by number of unique web portal visits/viewings. Increased community participation.
Our stated mid-term outcome for this project is: Development of resources to close any identified gaps in services and resources, as evidenced by number of new programs and initiatives or increases utilization of current resources focused on key issues.
Our stated long-term outcome for this project is: Improved mental, physical and economic health of the community as evidenced by: improvement in identified indices. Sustainable, steady growth in African American/Minority owned businesses; Home ownership and employment rates.
Our goal is to partner with other community entities, via the web portal, to promote services and activities that will move the community toward these results.
Toward that end, this web portal will focus resources toward achieving these goals.
The Council of Elders opened up space for the I Got Your Back Movement to hold a rally following the verdict in the Trayvon Martin murder case. Photo Credit: Lawrence Williamson.