Know something about EDUCATION? Want to share your knowledge, expertise or merely your interest with the community? The African American Council of Elders is seeking GUEST bloggers who can share information, resources, research and/or current topics in the area of EDUCATION. If you are interested, please contact us at aaelders.wichita@gmail.com with your area of interest/expertise and a short writing sample. We will respond expeditiously!!!!
The Ubuntu Village School
In September 2014, as a result of a community request via a Village Round Table meeting, the first semester of the Ubuntu Village School began and by December an average of 25 children had attended.
“My Village my Village Ubuntu Village”
“I Am because we are”
Operating as an independent free school, parent and adult learning are also included, so that the entire village can be part of the necessary “life long learning.”
Click here for more information on Ubuntu Village School.


Storytime Village hosts a variety of programs, including Literacy Legacy: A book Talk Series for Children and Parents, the Literacy Champions Program and the RISE program. These programs provide underserved children and families with opportunities for family engagement around reading, early childhood development and access to quality, age-appropriate books.
Closing the literacy gap one school at a time...
According to the National KIDS COUNT Data Center, more than half of Kansas 4th graders in public schools scored below grade level in reading. RISE, Storytime Village's signature program, is a family literacy initiative that helps K-3rd grade Kansas students rise to a higher level in their reading proficiency. Through a collaborative effort with parents, schools, community people and organizations, the RISE program utilizes frequent and targeted literacy activities, like community reads, RISE assemblies, family literacy nights, book distributions and book buddies to instill a love of reading in underserved children and begin to close the achievement gap for Kansas students.
To learn more about Storytime Village, visit them at their website: https://www.storytimevillage.org/