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Black Lives Matter!

ICT - Wichita


Additional Information

For more information on current alerts, click these links:

The African American Council of Elders ~ Wichita/South Central Kansas is a partner in the Wichita Black Alliance which is currently focused on COVID-19 awareness and mitigation. As part of that effort, we have launched a mini-targeted alert system to help our community stay abreast of developments as it relates to awareness, prevention, treatment and relevant updates. The alert system has three levels: RED for *Urgent* information that needs to be attended to immediately; GOLD/Yellow for Information Updates of news you can use to stay safe and be healthy; and GREEN for general news and updates that might benefit members of our community. With each update, we will include links where you can find additional information and support. These alerts are posted on social media sites such as FB, Twitter and Instagram. We hope that you are following the The African American Council of Elders ~ Wichita/South Central Kansas on one or all of these platforms to stay abreast of news and information of importance to our community. In the meantime, please follow this blog if you are interested in keeping up with news from our Council.

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